Transfer information under new conditions: between the EU and the US | WEBINAR - משרד עורכי דין פירון


 Please join the ACC – Association of Corporate Counsels in Israel and Firon law firm to a webinar which will deal with the decision of the EU to allow the transfer of information from Europe to the USA, provided that the receiving organization in the USA joins the arrangement under which they will commit to a personal information protection standard that is compatible with European law, as well as the implications of this decision for Israel.

The webinar will take place on the 10th September, 2023 | 14:00pm

 Registrants will receive the link closer to the event

Transfer information under new conditions: between the EU and the US | WEBINAR

The webinar will take place on the 10th September, 2023 | 14:00pm

Please join the ACC – Association of Corporate Counsels in Israel and Firon law firm to a webinar which will deal with the decision of the EU to allow the transfer of information from Europe to the USA, provided that the receiving organization in the USA joins the arrangement under which they will commit to a personal information protection standard that is compatible with European law, as well as the implications of this decision for Israel.

 Registrants will receive the link closer to the event


  • Adv. Gafnit Lagziel Shababo

    Partner and Head of Data & Privacy Protection Dept.