מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 המליץ, גם בשנת 2020, על מחלקת התשתיות של משרדנו - מ. פירון ושות' עורכי דין- מהמשרדים המובילים בישראל
לכל החדשות

מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 המליץ, גם בשנת 2020, על מחלקת התשתיות של משרדנו

  • הדפסה

פעם נוספת, נכללה מחלקת התשתיות ברשימה היוקרתית של המשרדים המדורגים ע"י המדריך The Legal 500 לשנת 2020.
המדריך אשר עורך מחקר מקיף של שוק עריכת הדין ציין:
M. Firon & Co. 'is consistently involved in bids for and the development of significant road and rail infrastructure, port developments, defence projects and nationwide real estate projects. Headed by Tamar Firon-Smorodinsky, the practice group acts for well-known domestic development companies such as Electra and Ashtrom Group, and has a growing roster of international corporates, including multiple Chinese engineering groups and, most recently, a major international utilities company.'
ממליצים מציינים:

‘The firm provides outstanding service: dynamic, up to date, very thorough and business oriented. Deep understanding of commercial issues as well as of financial matters. Great negotiators with financial entities as well as with contractors, business-partners and clients.‘
‘The firm has managed to solve some complicated legal issues regarding planning and zoning consequently helped us maximize the potential of some of our projects. They are simply the best!‘
‘I am really grateful for the opportunity to provide Firon with this recommendation. I have been working with several teams in the firm, including infrastructure, real estate and litigation, and have nothing but praise. It is a genuine pleasure working with the infrastructure team.‘
‘Above all I like the firm’s ability to solve complicated legal problems, to safely navigate us toward the light at the end of the tunnel and actually get us where we need to go.‘

מערכת כבישים עמוסה

פעם נוספת, נכללה מחלקת התשתיות ברשימה היוקרתית של המשרדים המדורגים ע"י המדריך The Legal 500 לשנת 2020.
המדריך אשר עורך מחקר מקיף של שוק עריכת הדין ציין:
M. Firon & Co. 'is consistently involved in bids for and the development of significant road and rail infrastructure, port developments, defence projects and nationwide real estate projects. Headed by Tamar Firon-Smorodinsky, the practice group acts for well-known domestic development companies such as Electra and Ashtrom Group, and has a growing roster of international corporates, including multiple Chinese engineering groups and, most recently, a major international utilities company.'
ממליצים מציינים:

‘The firm provides outstanding service: dynamic, up to date, very thorough and business oriented. Deep understanding of commercial issues as well as of financial matters. Great negotiators with financial entities as well as with contractors, business-partners and clients.‘
‘The firm has managed to solve some complicated legal issues regarding planning and zoning consequently helped us maximize the potential of some of our projects. They are simply the best!‘
‘I am really grateful for the opportunity to provide Firon with this recommendation. I have been working with several teams in the firm, including infrastructure, real estate and litigation, and have nothing but praise. It is a genuine pleasure working with the infrastructure team.‘
‘Above all I like the firm’s ability to solve complicated legal problems, to safely navigate us toward the light at the end of the tunnel and actually get us where we need to go.‘

בלוקצ'יין וחוזים חכמים


גם השנה נכללו משרד פירון ועו"ד עודד אופק בין המשרדים ועוה"ד המובילים בתחום הפינטק ע"י המדריך היוקרתי CChambers and Partners FinTech

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ניהול הון אישי


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