עו"ד רונית סיטון-זלקינד הומלצה ע"י המדריך היוקרתי The Legal 500 לשנת 2021
עו"ד רונית סיטון-זלקינד הומלצה ע"י מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 בתחום התובענות היצוגיות. המדריך ציין: 'The 'magnificent' Ronit Sutton Salkind is in demand for consumer protection and insurance work, representing retail companies in disputes relating to misleading marketing and product placement'.
המדריך ציטט: ‘The primary lawyer we dealt with is Ronit Sutton Salkind. She is a magnificent lawyer with remarkable track record, professional capabilities, and is considered Israel’s leading defence lawyer in consumer, and accessibility class actions. She is also the first choice to go to of all retailer chains in Israel (major and small alike). Ronit has amazing out of the box ideas, she presents her written arguments with surgical precision. She is well known for her top mediation skills as well and she uses them wisely in negotiating settlements that no one has dreamed are achievable.’
‘The primary lawyer we dealt with, and the star of the law firm defence litigation class action team is definitely Ronit Sutton Salkind. She is leading defence lawyer in consumer, and accessibility class actions. She is bright, always in command, available 24/7 and considered the first choice for most retail chains in Israel (major and small). Ronit has amazing out of the box ideas, and knows how to close cases in the best way possible for her clients.’
עו"ד רונית סיטון-זלקינד הומלצה ע"י מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 בתחום התובענות היצוגיות. המדריך ציין: 'The 'magnificent' Ronit Sutton Salkind is in demand for consumer protection and insurance work, representing retail companies in disputes relating to misleading marketing and product placement'.
המדריך ציטט: ‘The primary lawyer we dealt with is Ronit Sutton Salkind. She is a magnificent lawyer with remarkable track record, professional capabilities, and is considered Israel’s leading defence lawyer in consumer, and accessibility class actions. She is also the first choice to go to of all retailer chains in Israel (major and small alike). Ronit has amazing out of the box ideas, she presents her written arguments with surgical precision. She is well known for her top mediation skills as well and she uses them wisely in negotiating settlements that no one has dreamed are achievable.’
‘The primary lawyer we dealt with, and the star of the law firm defence litigation class action team is definitely Ronit Sutton Salkind. She is leading defence lawyer in consumer, and accessibility class actions. She is bright, always in command, available 24/7 and considered the first choice for most retail chains in Israel (major and small). Ronit has amazing out of the box ideas, and knows how to close cases in the best way possible for her clients.’
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