עו"ד עודד אופק הומלץ ע"י המדריך היוקרתי The Legal 500 לשנת 2021 בתחום הקרנות
עו"ד עודד אופק הומלץ ע"י מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 לשנת 2021בתחום הקרנות.
המדריך מציין: 'Oded Ofek advising a number of such funds on complex management agreements.'
המדריך מצטט: 'Oded Ofek is a brilliant lawyer in the field.’
‘Oded Ofek certainly stands out in the field of mutual funds, portfolio management and investment funds thanks to his extensive knowledge and relationship with the Israel Securities Authority, coupled with his business acumen.’
‘Oded Ofek is brilliant, flexible, hardworking, attentive, passionate, down-to-earth, always ready with solutions, and highly appreciated and regarded by regulators and all of my colleagues.’
‘Oded Ofek is a dedicated, smart lawyer, handles pressure well, and is a true first-rate professional, with impressive capabilities. If I ever need help, advice or wisdom, I just turn to Oded and recommend to anyone to do so as well.’
‘I can hardly think you can get any more professional than Oded Ofek. He understands in split seconds the legal aspects of a problem and formulates wise and practical answers. What makes him different is his vast knowledge and understanding of investment funds and the capital markets, and his vast experience with leading players and associations in the capital markets. Oded is talented in negotiations as well as in complex deals.’

עו"ד עודד אופק הומלץ ע"י מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 לשנת 2021בתחום הקרנות.
המדריך מציין: 'Oded Ofek advising a number of such funds on complex management agreements.'
המדריך מצטט: 'Oded Ofek is a brilliant lawyer in the field.’
‘Oded Ofek certainly stands out in the field of mutual funds, portfolio management and investment funds thanks to his extensive knowledge and relationship with the Israel Securities Authority, coupled with his business acumen.’
‘Oded Ofek is brilliant, flexible, hardworking, attentive, passionate, down-to-earth, always ready with solutions, and highly appreciated and regarded by regulators and all of my colleagues.’
‘Oded Ofek is a dedicated, smart lawyer, handles pressure well, and is a true first-rate professional, with impressive capabilities. If I ever need help, advice or wisdom, I just turn to Oded and recommend to anyone to do so as well.’
‘I can hardly think you can get any more professional than Oded Ofek. He understands in split seconds the legal aspects of a problem and formulates wise and practical answers. What makes him different is his vast knowledge and understanding of investment funds and the capital markets, and his vast experience with leading players and associations in the capital markets. Oded is talented in negotiations as well as in complex deals.’

גם השנה נכללו משרד פירון ועו"ד עודד אופק בין המשרדים ועוה"ד המובילים בתחום הפינטק ע"י המדריך היוקרתי CChambers and Partners FinTech
קראו עוד
המדריך היוקרתי WWL המליץ פעם נוספת על עוה"ד מזור מצקביץ ואיתן אפשטיין בתחום התחרות וההגבלים העסקיים
קראו עוד
מדריך הדירוג היוקרתי Chambers HNW דירג גם השנה את עו"ד שירי לינד ואת משרדנו בין המובילים בתחום ניהול ההון האישי
קראו עוד