מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 המליץ, גם בשנת 2020, על מחלקת קרנות ההשקעה של משרדנו - מ. פירון ושות' עורכי דין- מהמשרדים המובילים בישראל
לכל החדשות

מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי The Legal 500 המליץ, גם בשנת 2020, על מחלקת קרנות ההשקעה של משרדנו

  • הדפסה

פעם נוספת, נכללה מחלקת קרנות ההשקעה והון סיכון ברשימה היוקרתית של המשרדים המדורגים ע"י המדריך היוקרתי The Legal 500 לשנת 2020.

המדריך אשר עורך מחקר מקיף של שוק עריכת הדין ציין: 'M. Firon is considered by some to be the leading Israeli firm in the field of ETFs and mutual funds, and is also an increasingly active player in the venture capital and private equity space… The team also acts for institutional investors in their fund investment activity.'

המדריך מצטט:

We feel we are rendered excellent services from M. Firon and it meets our needs and can grade them “A” easily and thankfully. The know-how is top grade and first between competitors, it is service oriented and the value for money is good and fair. Although the Firm is one of the big-5 firms in Israel and holds more than 200 lawyers we feel at home with the firm’s department and are provided with personalized service.‘

‘Fast, extremely knowledgeable and in the investment house department led by Adv. Ofek, in which we receive an integrated service in all aspects of the financial wing of the company, we receive a top to bottom complete service which is simply not available from any other major firm.‘

‘I have been using Firon’s services to set up out investment house, from start to finish, in accordance with the law, Firon set up the mutual funds for me and they drafted the relevant contractual agreements. I am currently being assisted by them on a regular basis and I am very happy with the services.‘

‘The human resources I think make the difference. The team is professional and have unique specialty in the field of practice. We are a firm that holds funds as a GP and LPs giving finance and the firm serves us in all aspects thereof.‘

4 מגדלים של מטבעות- שמדמים גרף עולה

פעם נוספת, נכללה מחלקת קרנות ההשקעה והון סיכון ברשימה היוקרתית של המשרדים המדורגים ע"י המדריך היוקרתי The Legal 500 לשנת 2020.

המדריך אשר עורך מחקר מקיף של שוק עריכת הדין ציין: 'M. Firon is considered by some to be the leading Israeli firm in the field of ETFs and mutual funds, and is also an increasingly active player in the venture capital and private equity space… The team also acts for institutional investors in their fund investment activity.'

המדריך מצטט:

We feel we are rendered excellent services from M. Firon and it meets our needs and can grade them “A” easily and thankfully. The know-how is top grade and first between competitors, it is service oriented and the value for money is good and fair. Although the Firm is one of the big-5 firms in Israel and holds more than 200 lawyers we feel at home with the firm’s department and are provided with personalized service.‘

‘Fast, extremely knowledgeable and in the investment house department led by Adv. Ofek, in which we receive an integrated service in all aspects of the financial wing of the company, we receive a top to bottom complete service which is simply not available from any other major firm.‘

‘I have been using Firon’s services to set up out investment house, from start to finish, in accordance with the law, Firon set up the mutual funds for me and they drafted the relevant contractual agreements. I am currently being assisted by them on a regular basis and I am very happy with the services.‘

‘The human resources I think make the difference. The team is professional and have unique specialty in the field of practice. We are a firm that holds funds as a GP and LPs giving finance and the firm serves us in all aspects thereof.‘


גם השנה משרדנו דורג ע"י Chambers and Partners כאחד המשרדים המובילים

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