לכל החדשות
מחלקת המיזוגים והרכישות דורגה ע"י Chambers Global 2022
"M. Firon has a well-established corporate team covering a broad spectrum of transactions in fields including defence, gaming, energy and technology, with a notable and growing practice in cybersecurity. The firm advises a number of investment houses and PE funds as well as US, European and Asian clients on M&A mandates. The team possesses in-depth and varied corporate expertise, with notable experience in share exchange agreements and reverse triangular mergers. It is also well placed to advise on contentious corporate matters."
"The team is very execution-oriented"

"M. Firon has a well-established corporate team covering a broad spectrum of transactions in fields including defence, gaming, energy and technology, with a notable and growing practice in cybersecurity. The firm advises a number of investment houses and PE funds as well as US, European and Asian clients on M&A mandates. The team possesses in-depth and varied corporate expertise, with notable experience in share exchange agreements and reverse triangular mergers. It is also well placed to advise on contentious corporate matters."
"The team is very execution-oriented"

גם השנה נכללו משרד פירון ועו"ד עודד אופק בין המשרדים ועוה"ד המובילים בתחום הפינטק ע"י המדריך היוקרתי CChambers and Partners FinTech
קראו עוד
המדריך היוקרתי WWL המליץ פעם נוספת על עוה"ד מזור מצקביץ ואיתן אפשטיין בתחום התחרות וההגבלים העסקיים
קראו עוד
מדריך הדירוג היוקרתי Chambers HNW דירג גם השנה את עו"ד שירי לינד ואת משרדנו בין המובילים בתחום ניהול ההון האישי
קראו עוד