מדריך הדירוגים היוקרתי IFLR1000 המליץ, גם בשנת 2020, על מחלקת התשתיות של משרדנו
פעם נוספת, נכללה מחלקת התשתיות ברשימה היוקרתית של המשרדים המדורגים ע"י המדריך IFLR1000 לשנת 2020.
המדריך ציטט:
“Very communicative and knowledgeable. Deal makers.”
“The lawyers in the firm I have worked with (Timor Pesso and Tami Firon) are highly dedicated, very professional and provide legal solutions to problems arising during project implementation, which are acceptable to both parties. They helped us a lot with the negotiations with the subcontractor and the client and governmental authorities. The team of the firm are very experienced in this kind of project.”
“Professionals. Good service.”
“I have been working with Firon for many years. This is a great firm; the team is always accessible and provides excellent service that’s both professional and efficient. They have a great ability to see the big picture, understand our commercial needs and tailor an effective solution which suits our demands.”

פעם נוספת, נכללה מחלקת התשתיות ברשימה היוקרתית של המשרדים המדורגים ע"י המדריך IFLR1000 לשנת 2020.
המדריך ציטט:
“Very communicative and knowledgeable. Deal makers.”
“The lawyers in the firm I have worked with (Timor Pesso and Tami Firon) are highly dedicated, very professional and provide legal solutions to problems arising during project implementation, which are acceptable to both parties. They helped us a lot with the negotiations with the subcontractor and the client and governmental authorities. The team of the firm are very experienced in this kind of project.”
“Professionals. Good service.”
“I have been working with Firon for many years. This is a great firm; the team is always accessible and provides excellent service that’s both professional and efficient. They have a great ability to see the big picture, understand our commercial needs and tailor an effective solution which suits our demands.”

גם השנה נכללו משרד פירון ועו"ד עודד אופק בין המשרדים ועוה"ד המובילים בתחום הפינטק ע"י המדריך היוקרתי CChambers and Partners FinTech
קראו עוד
המדריך היוקרתי WWL המליץ פעם נוספת על עוה"ד מזור מצקביץ ואיתן אפשטיין בתחום התחרות וההגבלים העסקיים
קראו עוד
מדריך הדירוג היוקרתי Chambers HNW דירג גם השנה את עו"ד שירי לינד ואת משרדנו בין המובילים בתחום ניהול ההון האישי
קראו עוד