Telegram has started to block Israeli groups infringing copyright
Following a motion filed by Zira, represented by Adv. Eran Presenti, head of our IP department, Telegram has recently agreed to block certain Israeli groups infringing copyright. Adv. Presenti explains that “Israeli producers have to fight for their rights and livelihood, while private groups are stealing
their IP, distributing it and preventing them from receiving the consideration for use of their content. This consideration supports hundreds of thousands of people in this field, who were also severely affected by the Corona pandemic”.
For further details please CLICK HERE
Following a motion filed by Zira, represented by Adv. Eran Presenti, head of our IP department, Telegram has recently agreed to block certain Israeli groups infringing copyright. Adv. Presenti explains that “Israeli producers have to fight for their rights and livelihood, while private groups are stealing
their IP, distributing it and preventing them from receiving the consideration for use of their content. This consideration supports hundreds of thousands of people in this field, who were also severely affected by the Corona pandemic”.
For further details please CLICK HERE
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