The Court rendered a ruling enjoining Telegram from distributing television and cinema content through the various groups which on its instant messaging and sharing platform. This ruling is another important milestone in the battle against copyright infringement, led by Adv. Eran Presenti, a partner and Head of the Intellectual Property Department who represented ZIRA, the association of producers and broadcasters including: United King Films, Yes, HOT, Charlton and others.
For more information CLICK HERE
The Court rendered a ruling enjoining Telegram from distributing television and cinema content through the various groups which on its instant messaging and sharing platform. This ruling is another important milestone in the battle against copyright infringement, led by Adv. Eran Presenti, a partner and Head of the Intellectual Property Department who represented ZIRA, the association of producers and broadcasters including: United King Films, Yes, HOT, Charlton and others.
For more information CLICK HERE
The Hadera Local Planning and Building Committee has approved the first building permit for the “Sela Beitar” urban renewal project
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The parents gifted money for the purchase of an apartment, and then the couple divorced. What did the court rule?
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