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The trademark on the orange color of Orange Company will be canceled
The Registrar of Patents has ruled recently that Orange, which ceased its operations in Israel in 2016, failed to prove that it had used the mark in Israel for the past 3 years and thus granted the request of We4G (Xfone) to cancel it. We4G is represented by Adv. Eran Presenti, head of our Intellectual Property Department.
Please see: here
The Registrar of Patents has ruled recently that Orange, which ceased its operations in Israel in 2016, failed to prove that it had used the mark in Israel for the past 3 years and thus granted the request of We4G (Xfone) to cancel it. We4G is represented by Adv. Eran Presenti, head of our Intellectual Property Department.
Please see: here
The Hadera Local Planning and Building Committee has approved the first building permit for the “Sela Beitar” urban renewal project
READ MORE22.11.2024
The parents gifted money for the purchase of an apartment, and then the couple divorced. What did the court rule?
READ MORE09.11.2024