Firon Law Firm is one of the largest and best-known law firms in Israel. Prominent in the Israeli legal landscape over the past 70 years, it was one of the first firms to establish its presence and reputation beyond Israel’s borders. At its inception, the firm set itself a commitment of working for and on behalf of the society in which it operates.
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Firon Law Firm is one of the largest and best-known law firms in Israel. Prominent in the Israeli legal landscape over the past 70 years, it was one of the first firms to establish its presence and reputation beyond Israel’s borders. At its inception, the firm set itself a commitment of working for and on behalf of the society in which it operates.
As an integral part of its activities, the firm has, for many years, provided free legal assistance to clients without financial means but who need legal help and representation, with the aim of assisting the disadvantaged sectors of society and promoting public endeavors. The firm has made it a policy to provide such legal assistance to disadvantaged populations and minorities, whose economic plight prevents them from otherwise receiving legal protection and whose basic rights may be jeopardized. The firm sees such work as a personal commitment and an inextricable part of the obligations of every lawyer. Therefore, the firm has highlighted a policy of social investment, which represents part of its business work plan and includes a commitment in the field of social investment, social partners, dedicated resources, and more. The firm sees this work, managed for many years by one of the firm’s partners, as having significant value for its activities; accordingly, a substantial amount of time and resources are dedicated to the subject.
As part of this activity, the firm has long handled cases requiring legal assistance that are referred to it, either independently or by various organizations, such as Israel Women’s Network, Tebeka—Advocacy for Equality and Justice for Ethiopian Israelis, Hebrew University Legal Clinic (The Legal Education Center Clinic for Human Rights and Social Responsibility at the Hebrew University), and more.
Also, the firm has worked for many years in cooperation with the Haim Cohen Center for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, which regularly refers dozens of pro bono cases for routine legal support, including representation in the courts.
Alongside routine handling and representation in the courts in a range of legal cases, the firm provides legal services and professional support to various NGOs and NPOs. Many of the firm’s lawyers have also been active in these organizations as volunteers, often in management positions, including The Helsinki Committees, AMEN Israel Association of Myeloma Patients, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Association of Friends of the Rabin Medical Center, ProWoman organization, “Without Them” organization, Friends of the Reut Rehabilitation Medical Center, Israel Opera, Israel Bar Association, Israel Chamber Orchestra, Five Fingers (Sports Education Organization), and more. For example, the firm serves as a legal consultant to the Yad David Ben Gurion Society, a voluntary organization set up as part of David Ben Gurion’s will, with the aim of continuing and fulfilling his vision and heritage.

Leading lawyers appealed to Minister Ben-Gvir to cancel the appointment of the officer suspected of violence against protesters
The law granting financial assistance to the families of the captured and missing has been approved
Adv. Raz Nizri accompanies the special headquarters for the families of the abductees and missing persons
Proud to represent Biladeyhem, a non-profit organization supporting families of missing persons in Israel
Adv. Tami Firon Smorodinsky, a senior partner at Firon, accompanies the ProWoman Non-Profit Association
Tenders law lecture to the honor students of the Reichman University’s judges’ chambers’ practicum
We are proud to help Amen, an organization for aiding Multiple Myeloma patients and their families